Ian Watkins will join April Jones' killer Mark Bridger in Britain's toughest jail
The depraved singer will join the ranks of Britain's worst offenders in the prison dubbed Monster Mansion. Former Lostprophets star Ian Watkins will serve his sentence in the same jail as April Jones' killer Mark Bridger. The
disgraced singer will join the ranks of Britain's worst offenders -
among them Levi Bellfield and Roy Whiting - in Wakefield prison in
Yorkshire. The maximum security prison is known as Monster Mansion and often described as Britain’s toughest jail. Paedophile killer Stuart Hazell, who murdered 12-year-old Tia Sharp in London, is also serving a minimum of 38 years there. Milly Dowler's killer Bellfield and Whiting - who murdered eight-year-old Sarah Payne - are also inmates . Child killers and abusers have been subjected to vicious attacks in the prison. Whiting
was recently stabbed in both eyes by a fellow inmate and Bridger -
jailed earlier this year for the murder of April Jones in Machynlleth - was slashed from temple to chin by another prisoner. Glyn Travis, general secretary of the Prison Officers Association,
said that, in the eyes of wardens, Watkins would be treated no
differently from any other prisoner. "It is likely he will be at serious risk of self-harming and suicide," he said. "Like
any new prisoner convicted of a serious offence and handed a lengthy
custodial term, he would present some challenges to ensure his safety. "He
will be checked over by doctors and nurses and a plan will be put in
place for any issues relating so any drug problems he still may have. "But the Prison Service will deal with him like they would anyone else." However,
Mr Travis said that HMP Wakefield being home to some of Britain's most
serious offenders and Watkins' celebrity status could mean that the
disgraced singer becomes a target by an inmate "looking to make a name
for themselves". "Prison staff will be aware of this and assess these risks accordingly," he added. Watkins has served his time in custody so far in Parc Prison in Bridgend but is moving after being sentenced to 29 years in prison after the extent of his horrific crimes against children were revealed. A source said: "The place is stacked full of sex offenders, paedophiles and murderers so Watkins should feel right at home. "He
is currently being checked every 15 minutes by staff to make sure he
doesn’t self-harm or try and kill himself but when he is moved the
reality of where he is will sink in and suicide might seem like a good
option for him. "Though for many who have read about his crimes they might think it is too good for him." Guards at Wakefield will keep him in an extra-secure unit that holds just six prisoners for his first few weeks there. Mark Bridger, left, was slashed by convicted murderer and rapist Juvinal Ferreira in WakefieldIt can be accessed only via remote-control doors made of
reinforced Perspex, which have been compared to those in Silence of the
Lambs, starring Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter. The cell will
contain cardboard furniture so he can’t harm himself or anyone else and
his bed will have special blankets that can’t be torn into ligatures. His clothes will be made of a similar material. It will be watched by CCTV cameras and guards who will write down in a log everything he says and does during the day. Bridger, 47, is one of few British prisoners serving a whole life sentence. He was moved there soon after being convicted of abducting and murdering April.
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